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Create Creative Entrepreneurs (CCE) 

The project was implemented within the framework of the Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme supported by British Council (EV16047Q8P).


The project implementation period is from September 2018 to December 2022.

Project website:

Project aim is to create awareness of the concepts, challenges and opportunities in the creative economy, to collaborate and share knowledge for supporting and connecting existing and new creative entrepreneurs in the UK and Ukraine.


Project tasks

- to develop and implement a training program for those who are engaged in creative entrepreneurship and those who are interested in creating their own creative business;

- to improve the qualifications of teachers in the sphere of creative entrepreneurship;

- to launch and ensure sustainable activity of Centers of Creative Entrepreneurship Development  (CCED);

- to introduce a startup projects student competition YouMustTry!.

Project consortium

University of Bedfordshire (Luton, UK)

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Innovation Generation, NGO


Project impact

The project created a positive impact on the development of creative entrepreneurship and self-employment in creative industries for the region of Eastern Ukraine. In the long term, CCEDs' work has increased the number of new creative enterprises, created new jobs, increased the competitiveness of the creative industries and ensured a sustainable youth entrepreneurship ecosystem.

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