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The primary goal of the INNOGEN is to promote sustainable development and European integration through interregional and international cooperation in various areas of public life, formation of a developed dynamic civic society, competitive and innovative economy, and promotion of democratic values.

The principal activities of the INNOGEN shall include:

1. Unification of active, conscious citizens of Ukraine in order to promote the values and ideals of civil society, the best international experience and democratic practices. 

2. Representation and protection of the rights and interests of the INNOGEN and its members in state and public authorities, courts, law enforcement agencies, enterprises, institutions and organizations both in Ukraine and abroad. 

3. Holding events, preparation and dissemination of information on the INNOGEN, its activities and results in any way not prohibited by the applicable law. 

4. Creating conditions for the sharing of experience, open communication and events with the participation of public organizations, experts in culture, sports, leisure, science, ecology, social security, economics, politics, information technologies, etc. 

5. Creating conditions for effective cooperation of the public with state and local authorities, public and state officials, business representatives and mass media, encouraging the spread of alternative dispute resolution practices. 

6. Creating, populating and administering information resources and databases in a manner consistent with the applicable law, publishing, printing, and duplicating recorded information. 

7. Promoting career development, advanced training, implementation of research, educational and training programs and projects for members of the INNOGEN, citizens, individuals and legal entities-partners of the INNOGEN in the field of formal, non-formal and informal education. 

8. Promoting the modernization of the content and methods of education of highly skilled workers for the system of higher, vocational and non-formal education. 

9. Promoting cooperation between vocational (vocational-technical) institutions, institutions of higher education, postgraduate pedagogical education, research institutions, public organizations, employers, industry associations, etc. 

10. Promoting the development of creative entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the potential of the INNOGEN's members, citizens, individuals and legal entities-partners of the INNOGEN in the field of art, culture of crafts and other cultural and creative industries. 

11. Youth outreach, support of youth initiatives and projects, participation in the development and implementation of youth policies at the regional, national and international levels. 

12. Organizing internships and international trips for members of the INNOGEN and other citizens to study and share experience, organizing visits of representatives of foreign business and public circles to Ukraine. 

13. Preserving the national memory of cultural heritage, developing cultural identity and promoting Ukrainian culture in Ukraine and worldwide. 

14. Promoting and facilitating the realization of the principles of sustainable development of society, promoting responsible consumption in the country and the region. 

15. Cooperation with local and central authorities on energy and environmental issues, creation of an inclusive, barrier-free environment, and achievement of equality of rights as a prerequisite for life and sustainable development. 

16. Formation of communication relations and partnerships with local communities. 

17. Advisory and methodological assistance in the formation of adult education policy and lifelong learning policies. 

18. Promotion and development of entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurship, proactivity, innovation and startup development at the local, regional and international levels. 

19. Providing expert, organizational assistance and cooperation with stakeholders to improve urban facilities by organizing various events, environmental initiatives to support urban, infrastructure and social projects. 

20. Promoting tender equality within the country. 

21. Research and development, public research and processing of their results, analytical activities. 

22. Organization and holding of round tables, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, tournaments, contests, trainings, competitions, consultations with the involvement of representatives of the public, state authorities and local self-government bodies, experts in various areas of public life. 

23. Liaising directly with international organizations dealing with issues similar to the statutory matters within the scope of the INNOGEN's activities. 

24. Implementation of joint programs and projects in cooperation with international and national partner organizations, conducting foreign economic activities in accordance with the current legislation. 

25. Activities in the field of social entrepreneurship in accordance with the current law. 

26. Provision of information services and solving other tasks related to the activities of the INNOGEN. 

27. Participation in the development of draft regulatory legal acts issued by state authorities and local self-government bodies relating to the activities of state and independent cultural institutions in accordance with the procedure established by law. 

28. Promoting and developing democracy and civic society in Ukraine. 

29. Activities in other areas determined by the General Meeting in the interests of achieving the purpose of the INNOGEN. 

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